Welcome, Souls!

I’m Nicole Mendoza - a speaker, author, and energy guide here to use my voice as a beacon of light in the realm of lost cosmic knowledge. I am incarnated here as a bridge between the forgotten stories of our ancient past and the unfolding New Earth. I weave stories designed to restore the connection between our minds and bodies, and have been entrusted with the mission to use words as a means of illumination, healing, and awakening for all ready to embrace a new vision for themselves and our world.

A life navigating through some of the most challenging experiences, combined with advanced degrees in clinical psychology and education, has fueled my deep understanding of shadow work, spiritual awakening, and quantum healing. I am here to advocate for all those seeking to unlock their hidden divine gifts and ascend to a higher level of self-mastery.

Knowledge is power! For too long, humanity has been cut off from our history. I have been sent to resurrect the original narratives of humanity’s journey, facilitating a collective endeavor to pen a new chapter for Earth. The ancient knowledge of our ancestors can guide each individual on their spiritual awakening journey, allowing them to rediscover their true selves and forge new paths in life. My ultimate aspiration is to inspire others to recognize the power embedded in our collective stories—those whispered through time by the stars in our universe and reflected in the very stones beneath us — creating a resonance felt by all who walk the luminous paths of this amazing time in human history.


  • Oh, the conundrum of "realness"! You've stumbled upon this site and are indulging in its contents, so surely, it exists in some tangible form, doesn't it?

    But when someone inquires about the "realness" of this space, aren't they rather curious if the information aligns with the mainstream narrative, can be corroborated through observable means, or stands up to the scrutinizing lens of contemporary scientific methods?

    Well, brace yourself: the answer is a resounding NO!

    In the grand dance of belief systems, we must harness our intuition and discernment to sift the fabulous from the factual. To acknowledge that one person's truth might just be another's fanciful tale. Who knows, you might find a narrative that resonates with your soul’s essence, even if it cannot be logically explained. So, delve in and decide: what's "real" to you?

  • Much of the information shared here stems from channels connected to my Higher Self, encompassed by integrated soul fragments and established spirit guides. This journey is also profoundly influenced by various activation pieces that I encounter along the way. These can range from books and movies to people and music, all serving to awaken dormant memories or facilitate deeper access to knowledge. Feel free to explore some of the resources that have been instrumental in my journey, listed here for you to peruse and perhaps find your own sparks of connection and understanding.

  • I am open to exploring writing collaborations, podcast appearances, speaking events, and guest blogging opportunities if the energy aligns. I am open to working with others in crafting narratives that resonate with transformation and enlightenment.

  • No!

    If someone reaches out to you on any platform offering a reading or 1:1 session, it is a scam. As of summer 2023 I have stopped any 1:1 work.